Survive. Bond. Build Kingdoms
When: Oct 2-12, 2026 (12 days incl. travel days)
Who: 10 Kings (adult biological males)
Where: Arkansas (Beckham Creek Cave Lodge)
Price: $11,500 Paid in Full // $14,000 Payment Plan

Purpose #1
To grow stronger trust and bonds between good men:
True trust is built when men fight side by side against a common enemy. This is really the only place we get to see who a man really is. And while we will not be engaging in a war... This event is set up to test your physical preparedness, emotional intelligence, and future thinking.
But it will be done alongside other kings.
Through the stresses, the vulnerability, and the successes together you will come to know each other deeper, understand how each other thinks, see each other's values, and see the vision of what they are building for their future.

Purpose #2
To relax:
Kingmaker is tough. It is going to push you physically in the beginning, and mentally/emotionally afterwards.
But men don't usually make time to leave the stresses and responsibilities of regular life behind, and let the body, heart, and mind relax.
So while no-one is forced, kingmaker is designed to be a place where we leave our connections to our regular life alone... and purposely be fully present with other men, as men.
You will be asked to take a 9 day break from your phone.
And to do your best to set things up to run without you for the duration of kingmaker.

Purpose #3
To be better prepared:
We will be testing one particular part of every family's preparedness. Not a shock test (We don't want anyone dying in the woods), but a semi-gentle testing of ability, mindset, and equipment. This will open discussion throughout the event to dig down into every king's personal situation and how to be best prepared for it.
You will also be going home with equipment specifically set up for your family's preparedness.

Purpose #4
To create long lasting kingdoms:
Every man has a purpose far greater than their own lifetime. But most men do not seek it.
You will be deliberately building blueprints and strategies that strengthen your identity as a king, and define the borders of the kingdom you want to build.

Purpose #5
To gain systems and reminders that keep strengthening your kingdom:
You will be both building, and receiving, some very specific tools designed to build you up as a King, and keep your kingdom continuously strengthening.
Tools and reminders that especially help when struggle and opposition are encountered.
No kingdom is built, nor expands without opposition... Having effective tools to combat it... and having strong allies to fight beside, helps keep the momentum going.

$5500 (Approx) of survival equipment that you get to take home
Replacement supplies for anything used from your equipment during your 3 day wilderness training.
$3500 (Approx) of other physical materials. All specifically personalized for each King, designed to be useful and usable for the rest of their life. And to be passed on to the next generations.
Digital and physical copies of a fully designed (or redesigned if already existing) family crest.
2 days of physical protection training. weapons, combat, and tactics. (all equipment/materials included)
5 night stay at Beckham Creek Cave Lodge
4 night stay elsewhere in Arkansas (specific location deliberately secret)
All meals and catering
What the price does not cover:
Transportation to and from the event.
Shipment of equipment home.
Any counseling needed afterwards from extreme self-examination (joke).
Day 1
Travel day: Arrive in Arkansas. Make your way to first location. get settled in, meet fellow kings, eat, sleep, etc...
Day 2/3
Safety/Protection training days: Two days of Range training starting from fundamentals, moving through concealed carry, and ending with teamwork protection exercises.
Day 4
GEAR DAY: Kings receive their survival gear, and put their packs together. we go over basic navigation and survival for that terrain (creatures to watch out for, deadly plants, etc...). We will also be discussing tactics and mindsets around survival navigation.
[First Time Kings will not be hunted at this event.]
Days 5-7
You survive in the woods using your kit in a two or three man team, while navigating to the secondary location. Estimated 25-30miles (40-50km).
Days 8-10
Three full days of Legacy work. Personal Identity strengthening. Family Identity strengthening, Designing/Building family Crests. Goal mapping and strategy. Together... as men... editing vision, and building a future... Creating the true foundations of a kingdom.
Day 11
Rest/Fun Day.
After everything you have been to together... this day is the glue that cements everything together
Day 12
Breakfast and Travel Home